Bull’s Head from La Luna di Carta

Bull’s Head from La Luna di Carta

I’ve recently completed a full rework of this design, which emerged during a memorable time spent in Italy in 1987. Exhausted after helping to organise the 20th anniversary BOS convention in London, I was sorely in need of a holiday, and the prospect of time with origami pals in Padua proved irresistible. Also present at […]



After a very long fallow period, a flurry of ideas yesterday and today resulted in this six unit construction, which looks at first glance like a dodecahedron.  I was working on an old piece called “Irrico” (meaning Irregular Icosahedron), and I found that I could easily turn the units inside out to produce a new […]

Sing Choirs of Angels!

Sing Choirs of Angels!

This Angel was originally discovered by Alex Oliveira, and is a simplified variation of this Fairy from 2003. The Angel works well both as a freestanding figure and as a pop-up greetings card, and these diagrams show both alternatives. If you decide to make a greetings card, don’t flatten the Angel’s head too much when […]

The LAMB butterfly

The LAMB butterfly

A little challenge emerged a couple of months ago: to create an origami butterfly as a tribute to Michael LaFosse and Richard Alexander, who were guest teachers at the BOS Birmingham online meeting in August. Michael is well known as a butterfly creator: many of these are dedicated to his friends, and form the backbone […]